Apr 28, 2019
Here's where we tell you how to find the recipe for Fjellbekk, the tales we told, and the podcast we mentioned!
The Booze:
Fjellbekk (Mountain Stream in Norwegian)
-3/4 oz vodka
-3/4 oz aquavit
-3/4 oz lime juice
-lemon lime soda to taste
Mix vodka, aquavit, and lime juice in glass with ice, add lemon lime soda to...
Apr 28, 2019
We are excited to present 3 tales from Norse Mythology to you all! Forget Marvel, let's hearken back to the OG Thor and Loki!
Cocktail of the Week: Fjellbekk
Promo is from Mysteries and Urban Legends! Check them out!
Show Notes: http://folkloreontherocks.com/show-notes-for-episode-28-norse-folk-tales
We are...
Apr 14, 2019
Here's where we tell you how to find the recipe for The Polar Bear, the versions of the tale we told, and the podcast we mentioned!
The Booze:
The Polar Bear
-1 oz vodka
-1 oz clear crème de cacao
-1 oz clear crème de menthe
Shake in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass, and serve.
Apr 14, 2019
This week we're doing a special feature of a classic Scandinavian Tale. We're mainly doing this solo because it's a pretty long story, but very good. Come listen to us discuss fairy tale tropes, our childhoods, and Don Bluth movies (at which we utterly fail and miss mentioning some of his best...I'm looking at you,...
Apr 7, 2019
Here's where we tell you how to find the recipe for the Mint Julep, the tales we told, and the podcast we mentioned!
The Booze:
Mint Julep
- 2 1/2 oz bourbon
- 2 sugar cubes or 1/2 oz simple syrup (or mint simple syrup if
you're feeling fancy). Recipe link in show notes
- 4-5 mint sprigs (more or less is fine - up to...